Saturday, May 8, 2010

Emmylou Harris: Goodbye

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Emmylou Harris: In My Our of Darkness

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bob Marley: One Love (From All Over)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Robert Gibbs Gives Fox Hell

and deservedly so!

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Fascism: A Grassroots Movement

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Joe The Plumber

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Cheney's Katrina

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Jon Stewert: Family Research Council's "gaycation"

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

The Other 98% Takes Over Wall Street


  The Other 98% Takes Over Wall Street
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: News Rules


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Jim Hightower: The economy

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Glenn Bec k: Psycho Talk

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (1)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (2)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (3)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (4)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (6)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (7)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (8)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher: Documentary on Religion (9)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Maher:: Documentary on Raligion (10)


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Pope John Paul Flaming

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Creationists train children


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power