Saturday, March 13, 2010

Glenn Beck's Long Awaited Messiah for America.



All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Jessie Ventura; Conspiracies

Ventura is one of those guys who takes legitimate question about our recent history and says something so-off the wall that it blows any hope of anyone taking any of the real questions seriously to help ank them. 

Secrecy of any kind is dangerous in a Democracy for the simple reason that it gives the citizens more and more reason to have distrust in their governmental, social and financial institutions.

I guess it's worked on me. I can't say I have much trust in some of those institutions myself, but Jessie Ventura had nothing to do with my distrust.

   "I Wouldn't Vote For Sarah Palin If She Was The Only Candidate!" Jesse Ventura pt.3 - Watch more Politics Videos at Vodpod.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Dylan Ratigan Slams Beck

 Rock On, Dylan.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

This is digusting, but typical

I don't like negative messages about any religion, in and of itself. I don't mind negative messages about what some religious followers do because of their interpretation of their religion or anyone else's religion, for that matter. 

However, the ACLU is right on, according to the Constitution. If positive messages are protected speech, negative messages must be as well.

I am well within my rights to wonder aloud what in the hell is wrong with the parents of these kids.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

The Quaalude Of Bills: Healthcare Reform

This is hysterical:

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

The Very Seedy Glen Beck


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Friday, March 12, 2010

Liberals: As Welcome As Turds In a Punch Bowl.

TBTG For Colbert. 


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

We would all be dead without TORTURE!!!!

Marc Thiessen: Hey wasn't Thiessen the surname of the guys the Bushes laundered money for in WWII.

Thiessen was in cahoots up to his eyelashes with the anti-semitic Nazis. I'm just saying. (snark)

Is this guy part of the Cheney group?


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Unnecessary Freakin' Censorship

   This Week in Unnecessary Censorship - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Beck's Massa; America's Savior.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Kucinich Is Wrong On This!


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Why do the snake-handlers love the Jews so much, suddenly

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

This Stupid Country.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Take Obama's Smokes Away?

O.K., as long as this is a joke. I really don't want Obama to quite right now. I Don't want bombs going off in yet another country.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Patrick Kennedy YELLS on the Floor of the House!

National Press corps is despicable for covering Massa 24-7 while Afghanistan is pushed off the stove entirely!

Patrick seems way pissed!


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Durbin tells Republicans and DINOs to drop out of Socialist....

...federal healthcare program. 


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Obama ignores medicare for all and the public option at his own Peril

 Rachael Tells it like it is:


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Acorn not guilty of a damn thing!


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Virginia's Gay Flag.....


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Limbaugh threatens to leave the country

Another real good reason to pass healthcare. Africa would be a good place for him. One of those countries that are embroiled in hot civil wars. He seem to enjoy rabble rousing here so much.


.....And then there are the fools

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stir It Up, Little Darlin'

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Late Night


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

O.K., Now This Is Funny!

   SNL: Zach Drops by the Set - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power.
All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Delay Needs a Good Old Horsewhipping

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

What is Stupak Up To Anyhow?

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power