Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ericson Loses all credibility

along with the idiots at CNN who hired him.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Eric Ericson at CNN

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

What you didn't see in Searchlight.


  The Tea Party Protest in Searchlight You Didn't See
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.
All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Teabaggers grossly misinformed

Surprise, surprise, surprise


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Rachel On Right Wing Lies

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Physcian Posts sign saying Obama Voters should go elsewhere

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sean Hannity in trouble for fraud


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Robin Williams


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Man of Steele At It Again......

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Israel, Are those new homes really worth it....

A split with the only nation on Earth that has not had it with you.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Stewert kicks ass at CNBC


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Maddow, being nicer than I would be.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Hey, Michelle Bachman, act like a lady! Bwahahahahahaha!

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Lady and the Gramps

Too Funny!


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Whites Only Basketball, Oh Yeah

Nothing racist about that, right?


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Late Night

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Tough being White In America These Days (:-)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

The Guy Is A Total Fraud

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Obama Mocs Armageddon Talk, Again


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Jim DeMint is a Jackass

Republicans plan to run on what's already the law of the land with scam fund-raising and Bush had 170 recess appointments. So there!


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Too Many Black People On C-Span (OMG)

Frankly I think C-span ought to do a better job of screening jackasses, but that's just me.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

FBI On Face Book and other sites

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Militia Raids (Police, FBI, HS)

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Scuffle Breaks Out at Palin/ McCain Rally

Did they just call this guy a Jew?


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Beck and O'Reilly; Shill for Bankers


The good old days....


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

If Jesus Ran For President......


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

George Carlin: Divirced From The Human Race

Not such a bad idea, but I'll hang in there for awhile longer.


  George Carlin: Zen of Laughter
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Who really runs this country


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

GOP Fanning The Flames of Hate

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Bill Moyers On Reform


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power