Saturday, April 10, 2010

time to forget all about that slavery thing

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Barack Obama on Confederacy Celebration Month....

or whatever...

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Celebrating Losers

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Maddow: Goodbye, Rep. Stupak

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Friday, April 9, 2010


I've had glimpses and they keep me going.......until I arrive there. Not so long now.


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Don't Forget To Remember

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Please Don't Forget the People of Haiti


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Capitalism; An Island

Late night....interesting.

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Does Sarah Palin Know anything about topics about which she blabs?


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Sarah Porves She Is and Idiot

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Newt Promises to Shut Down The Government

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

New Start Agreement: Why is it important


  Averting Armageddon?
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All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Speaking of Fox; In cse you missed it

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Fireworks in the aftrenoon at Faux News


All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Fox News Debate on Nukes Goes Nuclear


  Fox debate on nukes goes nuclear
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All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Stewert Blasts Fox on Nukes

All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Protesters silence Israeli musicians in London

Performers stop to debate Israel's policy in Occupied Territories with activists
By Kim Sengupta, Diplomatic Correspondent

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Jerusalem Quartet is no stranger to controversy: in 2008 a 
performance in Edinburgh was similarly disrupted
The Jerusalem Quartet is no stranger to controversy: in 2008 a performance in Edinburgh was similarly disrupted

    I hate Bush (Not me, but one mad Muslim)

    Can't say that I blame him at all. Bush and Cheney and their hand picked Neocon pals committed a horrible war crime and they should be made to pay a price.

    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Where's the Transparancy on Iraq and Afghanistan


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    We Do Not Forget Who Caused This Mess

    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Support for Afghanistan; NOT SO MUCH


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Pope Opera


      Pope Opera
    - Watch more Funny Videos at Vodpod.

    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Palin Says that the GOP is the Party of No

    Does anyone else out there know that Sarah is Hebrew for Princess? 

    She's the Moose Princes.

    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Change Felt


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Ensign May be indicted. About Time....

    some Republican got taken down for hypocrisy, although that won't be the charge. If it was he would be doing about 200 years.


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Karzai is a turncloak


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    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    Massey Mines, Unions, Safety


    ACORN did NOTHING wrong!


    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power

    John McCain: Of Two Minds

    All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power