I think for these red-blooded Americans
The wind now seems to be blowing
In a way that makes them face the fact
That their white sheets are showing.
Tony Peyser provides daily poems and weekly cartoons for BuzzFlash and also writes the BuzzFlash column, "Blue State Jukebox." He was a daily cartoonist for the L.A. Times from 1994 to 1997. You can e-mail Tony at tonypeyser@yahoo.com.
All hail the Court Jesters and others who tell truth to power
Most of us came of age in the 60s; that most misunderstood, tumultuous time, the story of which, I imagine, will never be completely told. Why? Because it is more of a Peoples' History than the story of various governments, empires, wars, leaders and such. Historians spend much time on such things. The history of the people at any given time is seldom told by historians. Only the people can tell their story of a given time in history. We should all be about doing just that. If you were around back then, and half-way conscious (and I don't mean by that, what you might think I mean), you belong here. Send us you story, tell us about your life. What do you protest, do you have any answers to the problems we all face?