Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nir Rosen: Doubting the Threat of Al Qaeda


Can We Trust Harold Ford Jr.

In A Word....Hell No!

       Can You Trusy Harold Ford Jr.? - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Palin Faces The Hannibal Lecter of Faux Noise

I think I actually feel sorry for Palin. She looks as if she is wondering, "WTF?????

Creepy, eh?


Let The Religiously Insane Rant On.....

I can't remember when I lost count of Robertson's nutty remarks. I do know that it was before he and Jerry Falwell announced their Fatwa about the U.S. getting just what we all deserved for tolerating such abominations as homosexuality, abortion, the ACLU (seems civil liberties as laid out in the U.S.Constitution do not deserve defending and anyone who makes that their life's work is an offense to God) and some other offenses I don't remember at the moment. The point being, we deserved what we got. (Does this make Osama a man of God, delivering God's wrath on the nation gone astray? Maybe he is one on the angels of the apocalypse. Maybe this is why Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld allowed Osama and his close lieutenants to escape, unmolested, from Tora Bora. After all, Osama was only doing what he was willed to do.)

From 9/11/01 to now, it seems that the religious insanity in this country has grown like stink-weed. There is so much hatred in these people, so much intolerance for so many people, in the U.S. and around the world.  

Much of what they pronounced in the months and years right after the events of 9/11/01 was, unfortunately, heard 'round the world as well as here at home. The things they said shocked conservative and moderate Muslims alike. A past president of the Southern Baptist Convention announced that the prophet Mohammed was a pedophile. I couldn't believe it? It was the tradition in his country, at the time, that older men sometimes took a woman into his household who was less than 18 years of age (our current standard). This was not done out of depravity on the man's part. A female could not live on her own. If her brotehrs and father had been killed or died of natural causes, she needed the protection of a household. Mohammad gave a very young girl that protection, late in his life. The know-nothing fundies of the christian right turned an act of charity and compassion into an act of depravity in their self-serving pronouncements.

Do they forget that Joseph, the (earthly) father of Jesus, took a very young Mary into his household. Does that make St. Joseph a pedophile? It certainly made him a law-breaker, under Mosaic Law: Adulterers should be stoned to death and Mary gotten pregnant without benefit of matrimony or Joseph, for that matter. (Seems that the ben Yosef family had an on-going dislike for this law. Jesus famously refused to condemn an adulteress after shaming the people who were ready to stone her. Jesus was not a big fan of hypocrisy.)

However, an Egyptian friend of mine heard about what this jackass had said and it cost me the time of several carefully written emails and instant messages for him to calm down and realize that the vast majority of Americans did not believe his Prophet to be a pedophile and that these were the kinds of tirades we had to listen to all the time over here. I told him that the kind of people who were saying all of the ignorant, offensive things are ignorant and offensive in their very being. If anything, they are not real Christians but rather, I believe, more anti-Christ in their state of mind and actions.. 

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